Interface WrapperOptions

Wrapper ad options.


  • WrapperOptions


allowMultipleAds?: boolean

a Boolean value that identifies whether multiple ads are allowed in the requested VAST response. If true, both Pods and stand-alone ads are allowed. If false, only the first stand-alone Ad (with no sequence values) in the requested VAST response is allowed. Default value is “false.”

fallbackOnNoAd?: boolean

a Boolean value that provides instruction for using an available Ad when the requested VAST response returns no ads. If true, the video player should select from any stand-alone ads available. If false and the Wrapper represents an Ad in a Pod, the video player should move on to the next Ad in a Pod; otherwise, the video player can follow through at its own discretion where no-ad responses are concerned.

followAdditionalWrappers?: boolean

a Boolean value that identifies whether subsequent wrappers after a requested VAST response is allowed. If false, any Wrappers received (i.e. not an Inline VAST response) should be ignored. Otherwise, VAST Wrappers received should be accepted (default value is “true.”)

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